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Unconventional Investigations | A Book Review on See It End by Brianna Labuskes

Title: See It End

Author: Brianna Labuskes

Genre: Thriller, Mystery

Pages: 379

Rating: ❤❤❤❤❤

Release Date: April, 2023

Hi friends. I'm back with another hot take on the latest books I've read. I snatched this one off NetGalley based on the (so far reliable) recommendations of a Bookstagram friend. When I opened it, NetGalley told me it was 788 pages which made me nervous, I won't lie. That's a hefty page count. Turns out NetGalley counts their pages weird. It was only 379. Even though there were moments where it certainly felt like it was 788 pages. Not because it was poorly written or anything, but more so because there was so much story to get through. It was very meaty. Is that weird? Yep that's weird. Forget I said it.

Funny enough, this book is actually #3 in a series. I don't usually jump in a series at the end, but I took a chance. I'm definitely going back to read the first too now though. After reading this one, I am absolutely hooked. Brianna, miss ma'am you are talented. Whew! So yes, without further ado, let's get into it.

A cold-blooded murder. A confession. And a mystery that’s just beginning in a shocking novel of psychological suspense by the Amazon Charts and Washington Post bestselling author of A Familiar Sight.

Criminologist Dr. Gretchen White thought Detective Lauren Marconi could never cross certain lines. Then Lauren, with fresh blood on her hands, is arrested for an execution-style slaying. Even as the evidence mounts, Gretchen is convinced she’s innocent. Because Lauren would have known how to get away with murder.

Forced to team up with Lachlan Gibbs, the combative by-the-book star of Internal Affairs and Lauren’s boyfriend, Gretchen starts digging for the truth. But when she begins to uncover Lauren’s closely guarded secrets, the investigation raises more questions than answers. As Lauren’s decade-long obsession with the victim comes to light, Gretchen can’t help but doubt her own instincts.

She knows better than most that not everything is as it seems. And with Lauren’s future on the line, it’s more important than ever to see this mystery through to the end.

The synopsis is intense right? Whew. I opened the book and I was hooked from the first line. Literally. It sucked me in so quickly I didn't have time to think about it. There were moments while I was reading that I actually forgot I was reading. Books that can pull you into their universe and keep you hooked the entire time are automatic favorites in my eyes. I didn't struggle to keep up, since this was the 3rd book in the series. I appreciated that. I added just enough detail from the previous books for you to deduce what happened (just in case you're like me and didn't read them) but not so much detail that you don't feel the need to go back and read them.

It was also fun that the main character had my name. As common as it is, I actually haven't read a lot of stories with main characters that had the same name as me. Maybe a side character or two, but never the main. I never picked up on that until I started reading this one. I know they're out there. The Lauren's of the book world, I just haven't found them yet. Anyway, let's take a deeper look at what I liked and didn't like about See it End.

Gretchen is a diagnosed sociopath. I really enjoyed this factor because she was the one solving the crime instead of committing the crime. Most often, the sociopaths and the psychopaths are the ones that people are trying to catch not the one that is solving the crime. It was an interesting take on the story to see Gretchen try to figure out what happened and using her diagnosis as an advantage instead of a hinderance. In many ways, it humanized those who have similar diagnosis. They are still human, even if they process differently.

Dual Timelines. They told the story through Lauren Marconi (Read: Macaroni) perspective in the past, more specifically in the days leading up to the crime and through Gretchen's perspective as she tried to solve the crime in the current timeline. Dual timelines can be tricky to achieve, but Brianna Labuskes masterfully navigated her way through both timelines; dropping subtle hints as she went.

The Suspense was suspensing. I really had no idea, up until the last few chapters of the book, who actually committed the murder. I couldn't figure out if it was Lauren or if some other convoluted plot had occurred that just put Lauren in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even when I did figure out who it was, the how and the why kept me turning the pages until the very end.

Fast-Paced. Now when I tell you this book hooked me from the first line, I kid you not. Homegirl was thinking about slicing some poor guy's carotid artery during their date. I've been on a boring date or two myself in my day, but sheesh ma'am! Pump the brakes a little! The story took off running from the first word and didn't stop until the end. I appreciate stories that can hold my attention, because it is incredibly short. Think: small squirrel with ADHD. If you can't get to the point in as few words as possible, I am GONE. I have to be in the mood for a slow-burn.

I don't really have anything to say here. I genuinely enjoyed everything about this book. The twisty plot, the sarcastic characters, the banter, everything was brilliantly written.

Absolutely! Are you looking for a good thrill? Do you need a little suspense in your life? Then you should absolutely grab this book. It comes out April 18th, 2023 so you have some time to save up. I plan on buying a copy and forcing everyone I love to read it. If you do decide to grab it, please come back and let me know what you think of it. You can find me on Instagram or Facebook. I absolutely love talking to any and everyone about books, so feel free to hop in the DMs and just start talking like we've known each other for ever. I can't wait to hear from you!

Until then,

Happy Reading Babes! ❤


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